Friday, November 2, 2012

I Remember Boys

I remember Brant Carmicheal. I remember he was so mean to me, but he was the only boy I ever knew. He ruined my elementary school life. But I was in love with him and 5 year old love counts to me.

I remember believing in Serendipity as an 8 year old.

I was sure Spencer Reinstein and I were getting married because we both moved here on the same day. What says marriage more than that?

I can remember cleaning up in class and Clay Francis and I reached for the same piece of trash on the floor. Our hands touched and I was sure we were getting married.

I remember the very first time I met Travis Kirk. I was eating cherries in the best cherry tree and it was a Sunday. I remember I never thought I had seen a more beautiful boy before. And I remember thinking I really made an impression because my hair was in two pig tails. I just knew he had fallen for me.

I still remember the first time I saw Andrew Saxton. He was peeing on a tree in my backyard when he thought no one was looking. We yelled at him and my sister and I hated him for as long as kids can hate.

I remember the first time I had a play-date with a boy out of school. It was The Boy. I didn't say a word to him, of course, and we played Nancy Drew Clue games on the computer.

I can remember my first boy friend at my charter school. Everyone said I shouldn't like him cuz he's so fat, but I reassured everyone that this guy in '13 Going in 30' is chubby at 13, but he's hot when he's older. Plus, he told me I was skinny. And that was a compliment, even in the 5th grade.

I remember the first time I met The Captain at EFY. I pretended to throw up on him as "The Initiation" into the group. I remember he thought I was crazy and I remember that's the way I wanted it.


Unknown said...

Atta boy Stein

Sariah May said...

I remember he thought I was crazy and I remember that's the way I wanted it.


Anonymous said...

Holy cow.

Sometimes I'm weird about students using other students' names...but...

This was so honest. And innocent. I love your attention to detail.

Some of my favorites:
You moved here the same day as Stein. You guys must get married.

"our hands touched"

The kid that peed in your backyard. Ha ha ha ha ha ha....

The skinny compliment. ("even in the 5th grade")

Cosmo Kramer said...

Gotta love Andrew Saxton. By the way I love this post and all the others

Evelyn Asher Puriri said...

I loved the way you talk about picking up the same piece of trash. EVERYONE has had that moment in one way or another. You capture it perfectly.

I Ain't a Doll said...

I love this post. You captured what goes through a young girl's head so well. I really liked how honest it was. Well done.

Lizzie McGuire said...

I love the last line of your post. I love how you don't hold anything back.

Unknown said...

"Plus, he told me I was skinny. And that was a compliment, even in the 5th grade."

and also

"We yelled at him and my sister and I hated him for as long as kids can hate."

and also everything.


Unknown said...

o my gosh i know saxton hes in my weights class!!!! Hahahaha!

Unknown said...

Hahaha yessss... I remember Andrew Saxton peeing on that tree :^)