Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Faith in MY Future

Hey, this is Phyllis. She never really left. I ran into her many times in New York and even more in Vermont. God sent her my way when He knew I needed her. God would remind me about Phyllis.
He doesn't let me forget the important things.
At least... He knows what's important to me.
And that brings me to where I am now. I'm sitting on the floor in this school bathroom. There's water, toilets and an outlet in here. What more could I want?
Maybe love. Maybe acceptance. Maybe a shower. But that all will come later. I'm hopeful of that.
I'm feeling homeless, but feeling really good about it.
One of my fav New Yorkers would always say "Follow your feet". I never really understood it, but right now I feel like I'm doing it. "Faith in the future" I heard on Sunday. I've always understood it. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I've got it. Because the future is in MY hands, dude. It's MINE.