Sunday, September 16, 2012

And I Feel Like.. this is about LOVE. ictures/photographer-suspended.jpg

personal favorite :)

Some days you feel like you just went to Homecoming with your sister's husband. I don't know.. It's not a bad thing, because some days I wish my brother-in-law would've married me. It's strange, but I trust you won't tell him... or her.
[this is a benefit of an anonymous blog with different e-mails that your relatives will never find]
Sometimes, I feel like people can feel what I feel. Like, if I was just with a certain person, he can feel me. It's kind of like a voodoo doll, but different. I feel like when I swallow, they feel me swallowing in their own bodies. With my head under the tub faucet, I feel the cold water hit my scalp and run down my neck. And I feel like they sit in their cars and guess what I am doing. "Oh! Now she's showering, I bet you anything!" "No, man, she's swimming." It's like my feelings are some people's games. 

The Grinch: One man's toxic sludge is another man's potpourri. 
[Max barks
The Grinch: I don't know, it's some kind of soup. 

Just toxic sludge. But I guess, they're worth something to some. But I just can't figure out what they're worth anymore.                                   I used to be in love. No matter what kind of love it is- no matter how highschoolish it was- it's still love. Nelson, I think this classification of "being in love" is undefinable, because it's different for everyone. I think that you can be in love and never even know it. Maybe you'll never find out, maybe, you will. But I do think when you love someone, you love them more than you could love anyone or anything. Even more than you love yourself. 

The second boy I ever loved told me that I could be in love with a rock just as much as I loved him. Eventually, I ditched him and found a nice rock instead. And, look at that, he was right. The rock and I never part. I carry him in my backpack to school, on airplanes and trips, and he sits by me when I sleep. He treats me much better than that boy did and he doesn't talk so much. 

But, still. It's true what they say. Love can hurt ever so badly. Jealously is the worst. Have you seen Hot Rod? "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone". 
It's kind of like how I don't truly appreciate my Halloween candy... until it's gone. And then life sucks. And then I want it all back. Because humans are never satisfied. Oh, I have never been satisfied. 

"Like, ever." -Taylor Swift.


Anonymous said...

Great ending. Oh, and the beginning was good too. I'm telling your sister. #jk

Lil Twist said...

sure wish i could read this writing

William Lee Barefield III said...

Loved the analogy of boys being like a flock of peter pans. Great example and I feel like it is too true.

Dick Tidrow said...

You left your daises

Evelyn Asher Puriri said...

I really wish I knew you.

Unknown said...

[This is the benefit of an anonymous blog with different emails that your relatives will never find]. Bwahaha! I totally found you, but don't worry...

I won't tell the others.
Really good stuff in here.