Monday, March 11, 2013

blue bones

surf a paper ocean - 50 watts
I don't listen to music, but it's nice to know there still is some.

"lousy heart"

you offend me so

"lousy heart"

there was nothing I loved more than listening to it

wondering if you're scared

or if you're just breathing
or if you're only cold from this winter's hard beating

"lousy heart"

I loved feeling it's beat

on my cold tipped ears

because it was proof that you were actually real

that you were human

that you are human

cry, you're still human

oh.. how i hope youll trust me someday


Blue said...

I want you to know that you're a fantastic writer.
Also, that I've been looking for you to thank you for your comments, even though you don't have to read any of the new blogs.
It took me a bit of time, but I found your blog. Anyway.

Dick Tidrow said...

I wish I knew all the stories behind your blog posts. You fascinate me.